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Jun 10, 2024 Jon House

hireCNC - Guaranteed 100+ views of your job posting from relevant CNC talent

I launched a CNC Machining job board in February of 2023 called hireCNC.

We founded hireCNC because our other business In-House Solutions Inc. (Mastercam reseller in Canada) had struggled for years using sites like Indeed to find machinists. A 30-day posting would generate ~100 applicants, 97 of which were international or completely irrelevant to the role. That's a lot of wasted time and money. 

We were/are paying $400+ per posting on Indeed and getting almost nothing back. Maybe that happens to you to. 

So we believed there could be a better job board and recruiting solution for Machine Shops. And we got to work on hireCNC. 

Getting it right initially was a lot more challenging than I thought. There are some major challenges around generating relevant applicants in a high-demand, low-supply position like machining. But, we’ve recently made some major headway. And Version 2.0 of our site is going live tomorrow!

Today, when you post a job on hireCNC you can be confident it will be immediately seen by HUNDREDS of relevant machinists in your geographical area. How can we guarantee that? This is what happens in the background... 

  1. We generate site traffic via SEO and paid ads (standard job board stuff). We were doing this from the beginning.
  2. Programmatic. Which is fancy advertising speak for cross promoting. So, when you post your job on hireCNC your job is also automatically posted on Ziprecruiter. You get a 2 for 1!
  3. Background emails. This one is big. hireCNC automatically emails every machinist in our database based on a relevant geographical location & experience level. The email includes a few sentences about the job + a link to the posting. The quantity of candidates depends on where your company is located, but on average it’s 50 - 200 candidates that will be seeing your job in their inbox. It’s a proactive part of our solution that doesn’t really exist across other standard job board platforms.
  4. Social Media groups. Your job gets advertised in our social media groups including Facebook and LinkedIn.

Does 1-4 ensure you will land a suitable hire quickly? Absolutely not. Finding and hiring machinists is still really really hard. But...

That’s a lot of reach for a $199 job posting. Or better yet, you can have 12 months of unlimited job postings for only $1,000 (that’s $83 per month!!). 

Stop spending all that money on sites like Indeed, just to get the same frustrating results. Join hireCNC where our sole mission is to match Machine Shops with CNC Machinists!

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