CNC Machinist

Jul 6, 2023 hireCNC

5 Reasons to Post on hireCNC instead of Indeed

I like Indeed. In fact, with my other business, we still post our CNC machining roles on Indeed. For us, hiring good people in a timely manner is important for our business... so we will usually exhaust all the good options that increase our chances. Those options could include (in parallel):

  • hireCNC (new)
  • Indeed
  • Executive recruiter
  • LinkedIn
  • etc.

For the most part, the minor cost to promote our jobs is well worth the chance to find a good person faster. With that said, hiring is still hard, and we decided to create hireCNC because we felt there could be a better job board solution for the CNC machining trade. More on that here; Why we founded hireCNC

If you occasionally or frequently need to hire CNC machinists (or operators, programmers, etc.), here are 5 reasons why I would recommend using hireCNC as opposed to alternatives like Indeed.

  1. Focused Audience. With hireCNC, you can be confident that the audience is highly relevant. Our site visitors are 99% CNC Machinists. All of our ad key words have some combination of “CNC + Machining/Programming/Operating + Jobs”. With a site like Indeed, only a small % of their audience is your desired audience. You will get many job applies from people in totally irrelevant industries.
  2. Consistent Point of Contact. With Indeed, your rep will probably change every 30 days. That’s just the nature of the beast. With hireCNC you will have consistent points of contact you can work with. We are very focused on communicating well, and providing value to you as a customer.
  3. Pricing Model. Indeed’s pricing model is complicated. I actually don’t really understand how it works. We just get invoices and pay them. With hireCNC, we have very simple products that are very reasonably priced. We want to be a great value for you!
  4. We are deeply embedded in the CNC Machining space. We are the only job board dedicated to CNC roles. In our other businesses we have been working with machine shops for over 35 years. We are fully committed to making hireCNC the go-to platform for hiring CNC machinists!
  5. Your posts can get buried. Indeed is a beast. There are a tremendous amount of jobs on there, with new jobs posted every day. Shortly after posting your job, there will be new ones that bump you down the list. With niche sites like hireCNC, everything is more focused and your job can stand out more easily!

Again, we like Indeed and other platforms that advertise jobs. So keep posting there. But maybe also consider posting on hireCNC...

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