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hireCNC knows Machinists
Tired of lackluster results from generic recruiting agencies? Leverage hireCNC for better results!
Highly Specialized
We are very very specialized. We only do CNC related roles. Why is that important? Well, we know the difference between a setup machinist and a programmer. We know the difference between 5 axis simultaneous and 3+2. We know the difference between CAM programming and longhand. We know the difference between production environments and short run environments. Etc. Etc.
Robust Database of Machinists
Our database of machinists is detailed and growing rapidly. hireCNC.com generates thousands of new signups (profiles and job alerts) per month, with personal emails and addresses. We are contacting machinists day in and day out on various social media platforms. Every person in our database is sortable by skill level that includes operator, setup, programmer, shop manager, etc.. Does your recruiting agency have a robust machining database?