Aug 14, 2024 â—Ź hireCNC
How is hireCNC different from other recruiting agencies?
🔔 📣 Here is the most popular question Machine Shop hiring managers ask when evaluating hireCNC’s recruiting services...
Here is how we have been answering that...
From what we have learned, recruiters come in all shapes and sizes. Some are solid. Some are brutal. And a lot land somewhere in between. So it’s difficult to stay how we compare to the other recruiters you've worked with. BUT, here is what we do know...
1) We are very very specialized. We only do CNC related roles. Why is that important? Well, we know the difference between a setup machinist and a programmer. We know the difference between 5 axis simultaneous and 3+2. We know the difference between CAM programming and longhand. We know the difference between production environments and short run environments. Etc. Etc.
2) Our database of machinists is detailed and growing rapidly. Being specialized allows us to invest big here. Our site generates thousands of new signups (profiles and job alerts) per month, with personal emails and addresses (city/state). We are contacting machinists day in and day out on various social media platforms. Every screening call we do and every resume we obtain goes into our database. Every person in our database is sortable by skill level that includes operator, setup, programmer, shop manager, etc.. Does your recruiting agency have a robust machining database?
3) What happens when your primary recruiter at the big agency leaves? Do they bring in somebody new who likely has no idea what machining is? How do they fair with that? Do they have a database they can lean on? Industry experts they can lean on?
4) We know where machinists hang out on the web. We know the niche industry forums and we can go there to share jobs.
5) We don’t require exclusivity. We are happy to compete with other agencies if you have some that you’re already working with. Let’s see how hireCNC stacks up against them...
We are also relentless and exhaust all our options to find suitable candidates for the jobs. But we would expect other recruiters do that as well.
We are not perfect. And we can't do magic.
But we are learning, growing and having success. Recruiting machinists is what we do all day every day.
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