
Aug 1, 2024 hireCNC

My #1 Piece of Advice to Machine Shops About Job Postings

My #1 Piece of Advice to Machine Shops About Job Postings

You have to include a pay range!!

I talk to machinists every single day about CNC job opportunities. Including pay information is non-negotiable if you want your job posting to do well.

In some states, it’s the law to provide a pay range. In others, it’s not. But either way, if you want decent applications coming in, you have to do it.

There’s a general feeling that skilled machinists are underpaid for their work. So, when they see a role with no pay range, they assume the worst...

  1. The company underpays. If you pay well, why not include your pay scale? Your job post asks for all the qualifications under the sun. You want the perfect machinist. But then you don’t include a pay range? No thanks!
  2. You can’t keep your good machinists. If you pay well, your good machinists would stay. Plus, you’d easily attract good machinists from other companies that underpay. But since your job post is open and you’re spending money on recruiting, it looks like you’re having a hard time.

Now, 1 & 2 might not be true at all. But those are the initial assumptions. And if I’m a skilled machinist, I have endless opportunities and a busy schedule. The last thing I want to do is apply through your ATS system and go through a 4-week interview process just to find out if the pay even interests me.

I have shared job postings with no pay ranges in industry forums in the past and have been called a lot of things, including "a predator". All because there was no pay range on the job posting!

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