Setup Machinist

Mar 10, 2025 ● hireCNC

Case Study: 3 Machinists in 6 Weeks

3 machinist hires in 6 weeks πŸ‘€πŸ”₯ πŸŽ‰ Here's the quick summary...

  • 70 year old Precision Machining Prototype shop in the Warren, MI area
  • Was looking for 3 setup machinists
  • Sales are strong. But production is constrained by insufficient staffing. Significant backlog of work.
  • Needed machinists with G-code and M-code experience to run vertical 3+1 mills and horizontal mills
  • Had previously tried "generic" recruiters but that was expensive and not a good experience πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« πŸ™„
  • Connected with hireCNC and signed an agreement on Feb 4th 🀝
  • Successfully hired 3 qualified candidates within 6 weeks, all for 1 low fee
  • The fee on these 3 hires were only 20% of what it would have been with typical recruiting agencies 😯 😍
  • Due to the speedy success of this relationship they have expanded their use of hireCNC to help staff their other facilities that are facing similar hiring challenges

Shoutout to Ted Charles who is the dedicated hireCNC recruiting manager working with this employer! 🀘 πŸ€›

Let's go...

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